Join the Best Series of Successs
Our students test on average 98% better than national average on SATs and GCSE results

Request a Free Consultation
Here's How it All Works
We carry out a FREE Initial Assessment
The first step is to contact us to book a FREE initial assessment. One of our advisers will take some information and schedule you an appointment to suit you.
Then you will come into one of our centres with the student for an Initial Assessment and consultation. An allocated member of staff will welcome you and guide you through the assessment and consultation process. The students will be given a 30-45 assessment to complete, whilst the parents are presented with key information and have any questions answered.
This assessment is used to let us know exactly what level your child is working at and where their strengths and weaknesses lie. This allows us to come up with challenging targets for them to work towards. All of our classes are filtered according to ability and not just age. The assessment grade will determine which class the student will achieve most in. The assessment grades would then be recorded into our reporting system, allowing our teachers to get a detailed insight into student's needs and the grade is to be used as a benchmark to monitor the student’s progress.
This is a FREE assessment with No obligation
what have you got to lose?
Getting Started
Based on the initial assessment, we will recommend which classes we think your child benefit the most from. We run a number of different classes throughout the week and on weekends so there is usually a class for everyone’s schedule. The allocated member of staff will advise you on at the most suitable option, whether it is 1-1 or group classes. Parents will be presented with all the key information they require and have any questions answered during this consultation.
Once you have registered with us, your child will begin their lessons. Your child will need to bring in an A4 writing pad and pen/pencils to each lesson, we will issue them with worksheets or textbooks for their relevant subjects.
12 Weeks Study Programme
Once your child has enrolled in one of our programmes, they will begin lessons which are based on a six-week study programme. All lessons delivered at The Scholars Academy are part of our bespoke scheme of works. Our scheme of works has been developed by leading industry experts and guarantees that we cover all topics in line with the national curriculum. We will focus on areas which many of the classes find difficult for four weeks, in the fifth week we will give your child a bespoke assessment on what they have been learning.
Although an assessment every five weeks may seem like a daunting prospect for students, our experience has shown us it will make a huge difference to your child’s results. Not only do these assessments show you how much you have improved, but they also give you valuable exam practice.
Our programmers are designed to allow children to maintain a working balance of their schoolwork with homework set by us. This is a carefully designed programme, so you can rest assured your child can only benefit from our bespoke programme.
Engaging Students
Our approach to learning is very different from our competitors. We believe each student is unique and to get the best out of them requires a good understanding of their needs. All our teachers are young teachers, who can still recall what it felt like to be in the position of the students they teach. We believe by having members of staff that can really relate to the students, promotes and inspirational learning environment.
At TS'A, we do not only offer a straight forward educational service, but we also offer personal students and parents. Each student has the constant opportunity to engage with staff to seek any advice and management regularly provide students with mentoring. Our students are encouraged not just to learn, but to learn with a purpose. They are always advised to think about their future career aspirations and encouraged to work towards excelling to achieve their objectives.
We are not just an ordinary tuition canter, we like to build a fun and supportive learning environment for our students.
Regular Homework
Your child will receive homework for every lesson which will be marked and given back on a weekly basis. We set our students two types of homework – one is to reinforce what has been learnt retrospectively in lessons and the other to research topics that will be covered within subsequent lessons.
We find that completing homework regularly is a good way of reinforcing what has been learnt and making sure it is remembered! We always keep a record of all homework marks to consistently monitor the progress of our students.
Reporting your Child’s Progress
We constantly strive to exceed the expectations of our customers. We truly believe, our open door policy gives parents and students that personal touch. We welcome our customers to speak to our centre managers who have real-time data on each and every student, At The Scholars Academy we hold regular internal meetings with our staff to monitor the progress of each student.
We also have a state of the art reporting system that teachers feed results of each lesson, test and homework into and provide management with a real-time snapshot of each student’s progress. This is important for us to gauge what areas our students still need to improve and what areas could do with being more challenged. Parents are issued with an end of term progress report, which provides parents with key information and target grades.
We truly believe in a collaborative 360 approach to learning. In order to deliver the best results, we believe it is important for The Scholars Academy, parents and students to work towards a common goal implementing an agreed strategy. Working alongside parents really helps us to make sure that all students fulfil their potential.