Join the Best Series of Successs
Our students test on average 98% better than national average on SATs and GCSE results

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We are a team of highly qualified tutors with an experience of many years in this field of education. Our advanced teaching methods and up to date resources enable us to monitor the tuition quality to help ensure good results are achieved. We are well equipped with the modern techniques for the personality enhancement of the students and to help them to realize and achieve their goals for the future through the support of a highest quality private tuition.

As dedicated specialists with a real passion for their subject, our tutors are able to motivate and inspire individuals to strive harder in what can be a challenging subject. Whether pupils need a little extra assistance preparing for selective school tests or require long-term help to give them the confidence to aim for the higher grades at exam level, The Scholars Academy is on hand to help. We offer KS-1, KS-2, KS-3, 11 Plus, GCSE and A-level tuition with the full range of age and abilities. Using a tailored approach to tuition, our tutors focus on helping each child they work with to realize their full academic potential. We match individuals with a tutor who is well suited to their requirements and together they identify specific goals. In addition to building knowledge and confidence, tutors pass on learning skills that help students to derive the maximum benefit from their commitment to study.
Our Tutors are a group of former, successful students currently studying in courses such as Medicine, Dentistry, Law and various disciplines at the Oxford University, Imperial College, Kings University, Birmingham University and UCL.
Tutors include:
University graduates.
Qualified teachers who were awarded QTS/PGCE.
Students who achieved perfect study scores of A* in their GCSE and A-level subjects with professional Training.
Social Studies
English Grammar, Literature, and Writing
• Algebra
• Geometry
• Trigonometry/Analysis/Pre-calculus
• Calculus
• Probability & Statistics
• AS/2 Physics
• AS/2 Chemistry
• AS/2 Biology
• Environmental Science
• History
• World History
• Geography
• Civics
• Comparative Government
• Anthropology
• Economics
• Psychology
• Writing skills
• Grammar
• Vocabulary
• Critical Reading